A Week in the Life of a Volunteer

A Week in the Life of a Care Home Volunteer
Thank you to our volunteer for sharing their experience and activities from their week volunteering in a local care home
I had an absolutely lovely week at the care home and I came away again with a big smile and a wonderful feeling I get when I spend time with my residents.
I spent time with Mary helping her with her Christmas cards. She struggles with some tasks so we had a brilliant little production line going, while she wrote a short message inside the card, I would address the envelope on her little table next to her then pop the card in and seal it. We made great progress and it was fun chatting about Christmas and other things with her.
It reminds me of when I used to help my Nan with things like that (shelling peas from the garden was always fun) we would sit together talking about everything while getting the job done and I love that I get to help Mary that way too.
Then I got told John was back!
I haven’t seen him for 5 weeks so it was fantastic to see him again, he told me he’d got the Care Home Volunteer card I left him. We had a laugh because I had said I have a spider plant to give him but couldn’t because in the 5 weeks he’s been away it’s gone from a small plant in a lovely little terracotta pot to a ginormous bush like plant with lots of tendrils and I’ve had to re-pot it twice!
I saw Joan we talked about handbags and how much she liked mine, we watched a bit of the film Tarzan together and we talked in depth about how nice the handyman in the home is - she has a soft spot for him. I love the way her face lights up and she always has a huge smile if he pops in or we talk about him!
Glenda and I just chatted and chatted, she is an absolutely lovely lady and sometimes we do quizzes together but more often than not we just end up chatting until it’s time for me to go.
This week I had the pleasure of being introduced to a new lady and she is absolutely one of the most delightful ladies I’ve ever met.
As soon as I walked over to her and said hello she held on to my hand and tried to tell me something.
It was tricky to understand her at first but it didn’t take long for me to realise she was uncomfortable with her pillows and the way she was laying in bed.
I went and found a member of staff and then she held my hand tight while I chatted to her until the staff member came.
In my mind it was such a little thing that I did, I just got her the help she needed, gave her some reassurance and stayed with her so she didn’t have to wait alone.
But after I left and thought about it and I realised it was much more.
That it clearly meant a lot to her too as she was so happy that I was there and that made me really happy too.
I can’t wait until next week to see everyone again, it’s such an enjoyable thing to do!