Before and since Care Home Volunteers become a registered charity, we have been supported by a number of organisations. Without their continued support, we would not be where we are today.
Meet Our Supporters

The Charles Hayward Foundation is a grant-making charitable trust making awards to charities that are registered in the U.K. The organisation is governed by a board of voluntary trustees, chaired by Mrs. Sue Heath.

Community Development - We are the first point of contact and a sounding block for individuals and communities to express themselves and their interest in becoming more involved in bringing local benefit to their area.
We can provide guidance, advice and support on local projects, new ideas or just becoming more involved in local issues.

The Sobell Foundation was established by the late Sir Michael Sobell in 1977 for general charitable purposes and is a grant-making trust with which he was actively involved until shortly before his death in 1993. The deed of charitable trust, under which the Sobell Foundation was formed, is not specific about the objects of the Trust and allows the Trustees absolute discretion to apply funds for general charitable purposes.

Tesco community grants fund thousands of local projects right across the UK. Projects that bring benefit to their community will get the green light – these range from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events.

Support organisations undertaking projects that benefit poor people who, through ill health/old age, are unable to earn their own livelihood. They will also support education/training, local community work and wildlife/conservation projects

The W G Edwards Charitable Foundation is an independent grant-making charity, which assists with the provision of care and aims to improve the wellbeing of older people in the UK. The Foundation gives grants to capital projects, refurbishment and for equipment, in addition to innovative schemes for ongoing care and projects which help people live active and fulfilling lives.

The Albert Hunt Trust’s mission is to promote and enhance the physical and mental welfare of individuals, or groups of individuals, excluding research or the diagnosis of specific medical conditions, by the distribution of trust funds, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Trustees, to UK registered charities that are actively engaged in that field of work.