Launch of Marlborough Service

Volunteers Week 2019 Make a Difference and Become a Befriender
New Volunteering Service in Marlborough
Care Home Volunteers is looking for caring and friendly volunteers for an exciting new project in Marlborough
To celebrate Volunteers Week 2019, we are excited to announce our befriending scheme in Marlborough. After successfully running the Care Home Volunteers programme in Chippenham, Salisbury and Swindon over the past few years, we are now extending our unique training and support programme to the Marlborough area.
Care Home Volunteers is looking for friendly, caring and compassionate people who can spend some time on a regular basis, visiting older people in care homes. As little as one hour each week can provide an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for both the volunteer and older person being visited.
Over the past few months, our Volunteer Coordinator Jeni has been working with care homes in the Marlborough area and we have successfully placed volunteers with the aim of enhancing the well-being, health and enjoyment of life, for the older people who live there, so we are excited to expand this service.
Care Home Volunteers believes there is huge potential for volunteers to enhance the lives of people living in care homes by providing social contact and friendship. Feedback from scheme has highlighted that volunteers really do make a significant difference and great personal satisfaction is experienced as a result.
“I heard about Care Home Volunteers and knew this is just what I wanted to do. A couple of hours a week chatting to residents feels so rewarding, to see their smiles and for me to leave with a smile too. I thoroughly recommend volunteering to anyone who wishes to make a difference to those in need of companionship.” - Swindon Volunteer
“Wow! What a wonderful service you provide in our community!” - Dementia Liaison Team
“Thank you again, and pass our delight on to your volunteer, she is giving up her time to the benefit of our residents.” - Salisbury Care Home
Over the coming months we will be holding lots of information sessions but during Volunteers Week, we will have an information stand at Marlborough Library on Wednesday 5th June where you will be able to collect information on the training you will receive, understand the difference you can make in just 2 hours a week and the ongoing support we provide.
Volunteers are supported with a bespoke training programme to help them gain insight and expertise in their role with older people. Volunteers also have the benefit of ongoing support from the Volunteer Co-ordinator and opportunities to get together as a Care Home Volunteer team too.
Norman Edwards, Chair of the Trustees, said about the project:
“We are very excited about extending out project to the Marlborough area. We have received lots of support from care homes, AgeUK and many other organisations. We’re particularly pleased to be working in Marlborough as the town has a reputation for caring for its older people and we know we will get a good response from potential volunteers.”
Why not watch our fantastic video and see more about our fantastic work in the community.
In January 2019, Care Home Volunteers won the Volunteer Team of the Year at the second annual Caring UK Awards. The awards recognise excellence, innovation and achievement in all corners of the industry.
Caring UK Awards event director Judith Halkerston said: “All our winners have had an arduous journey to this point – the standard of entries was overwhelming and every facility that walked away with an award should be extremely proud.”
So any new volunteer joining our team can do so with confidence that will be well supported and enjoy their time in their role.
Care Home Volunteers would love to hear from people who might be interested in this exciting new volunteering opportunity. No previous experience is required - training and ongoing support will be provided on a regular basis.
For further information please pop by our stand next week or contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator Jeni on 07922 507848 or email her at [email protected]