Thank You - Volunteer Information Sessions

#CharityTuesday Over the past few weeks we held a number of Volunteer Information Sessions in Salisbury … thank you to everyone who came along to find out more about volunteering with us. If you could make it, don’t worry contact us direct.
We would also like to say a big thank you too:
Salisbury Library - for letting us have a stand there on their busiest day, three weeks running!
Wessex Community Action - for lending us their display stands
Wessex Care - for lending us a reminiscence box, holding one of the sessions at Kimberly West Care Home, and for the amazing treats they provided (pic attached)
Five Rivers Health and Wellbeing Centre - for letting us hold a session & Chafyn Grove school for putting up their fantastic artwork display while we were there
And thanks to our very own volunteers Jane, Norman and Sarah, for coming along to help.