Recruitment - B&NES Volunteer Coordinator

Find out more about Care Home Volunteers

B&NES based Volunteer Coordinator

Care Home Volunteers (CHV) befriend residents in care homes for older people to bring enjoyment of life and relieve loneliness and isolation. We are well-established in Salisbury, Chippenham, Swindon and West Wiltshire, where we have thriving teams of volunteers making a difference to the quality of life of older people in local care homes.

We are looking for an experienced volunteer coordinator, with an interest in adult social care, who will initiate and develop our new project in B&NES. The person will be responsible for the recruiting, training and support of volunteers in the B&NES area and for nurturing relationships with local care homes and other agencies.

This is a part-time role with flexible working hours which are likely not to exceed the equivalent of 17½ hours per week, 47 weeks of the year. Appointment will be on an engaged consultant (self-employed) basis. We can offer £20 per hour for a suitable person.

View the person specification here Person Specification B&NES - final .docx

Closing date 1st of November 2021

For more information or to apply, please send your C.V (no more than 2 pages) and a covering letter to Suzannah Cook, CEO at [email protected] or call 07841 656467.